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cheering 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cheered, past participle; cheered, past tense; cheers, 3rd person singular present; cheering, present participle;
  1. Shout for joy or in praise or encouragement
    • - she cheered from the sidelines
  2. Praise or encourage with shouts
    • - they cheered his emotional speech
    • - the cyclists were cheered on by the crowds
  3. Give comfort or support to
    • - he seemed greatly cheered by my arrival
  4. Make or become less miserable
    • - I asked her out to lunch to cheer her up
    • - he cheered up at the sight of the food

  1. comforting: providing freedom from worry
  2. encouragement in the form of cheers from spectators; "it's all over but the shouting"
  3. (cheer) give encouragement to
  4. (cheer) a cry or shout of approval
  5. (cheer) cheerfulness: the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom; "flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room"
  6. (cheer) show approval or good wishes by shouting; "everybody cheered the birthday boy"
  7. (cheer) cause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful; "She tried to cheer up the disappointed child when he failed to win the spelling bee"
  8. (cheer) spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts; "The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers"
  9. Cheering is the uttering or making of sounds encouraging, stimulating or exciting to action, indicating approval or acclaiming or welcoming persons, announcements of events and the like.
  10. (Cheer!) The Wotch is a cartoon-style English-language webcomic created by "Anne Onymous" and "Robin Ericson" about the magical adventures of two like-named characters. ...
  11. (Cheer (detergent)) Cheer is the name of a laundry detergent sold in the United States and Canada. It is manufactured by Procter & Gamble.
  12. (cheer) The face. [13th-16th c.]; One's expression or countenance. [13th-19th c.]; One's attitude, mood. [from 14th c.]; A cheerful attitude; a nice disposition. [from 14th c.]; A cry expressing joy, approval or support such as "hurray". [from 18th c. ...
  13. (Cheer) A longer yell, that involves motions, pom pons, stunts, jumps, or tumbling.
  14. (Cheer) is a literary or old-fashioned term for ‘a feeling of happiness’ and it is often associated with the feelgood factor that advertisers want Christmas to evoke – Christmas cheer. This term also has a euphemistic or jokey use, referring to alcohol, ‘a cup of good cheer’. ...
  15. (cheer [f]) country, state, shore, home, land, territory
  16. A cheer is much longer than a chant and is done only 1 time.