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cheekily 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. in a brash cheeky manner; "brashly, she asked for a rebate"
  2. (cheeky) brash: offensively bold; "a brash newcomer disputed the age-old rules for admission to the club"; "a nervy thing to say"
  3. (Cheeky!) Trasgredire (Transgressing or Cheeky) is a 2000 sex comedy directed by Tinto Brass, with Yuliya Mayarchuk in the lead role.
  4. Cheeky was a British comic book that ran from (issues dates) 22 October 1977 to 2 February 1980, when it merged with Whoopee!. ...
  5. (Cheeky (musician)) Downsyde are an Australian hip hop group from Perth, Western Australia. The group is composed of six members, Optamus, Dazastah, Dyna-Mikes, DJ Armee, Cheeky, and Hi-Hat.
  6. (Cheeky (undergarment)) The thong is a garment generally worn as either underwear or as a swimsuit by both women and men in many industrialized societies around the world. It may also be worn for traditional ceremonies or competitions such as sumo wrestling. ...
  7. (cheeky) Impudent; impertinent
  8. (Cheeky) Cheeks prominently rounded; thick, protruding.
  9. (Cheeky) Bulging jaw bones or cheeks at the bottom rear of the head. Undesirable.
  10. (Cheeky) Mischievious or slightly naughty. "Bob was feeling a bit cheeky yesterday and bought me pair of lacy knickers."
  11. (Cheeky) description of a play that is very high risk and usually technically difficult. Examples of cheeky plays are bicycle kicks, back heels, nutmegs, through passes, etc.
  12. (Cheeky) someone who is having fun with you and teasing you in a fun way
  13. (cheeky [ˈtʃiki]) 1. adjective behaving in a way that does not show respect, especially toward someone who is older or more important
  14. (cheeky) adj. To be cheeky is just short of being rude (in the sense of offensive, not dodgy). You're being cheeky if you make a joke that you can only just get away with without getting into trouble.
  15. (cheeky) adj. feisty] shinning town station
  16. (cheeky) being rude or disrespectful: "It was a bit cheeky of him to ask for more money."
  17. (cheeky) sassy, impish, insolent or impudent
  18. (“Cheeky”) or “Cheeky Monkey”: a practical jokester.
  19. Cheeky - Very naughty and a little bite rude but in a attractive and charismatic way.