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checkouts, plural;
  1. A point at which goods are paid for in a supermarket or other store
    • - packaging that is scanned at the checkout counter
  2. The administrative procedure followed when a guest leaves a hotel at the end of a stay
    • - checkout time

  1. (checkout) check: the act of inspecting or verifying; "they made a check of their equipment"; "the pilot ran through the check-out procedure"
  2. (checkout) the latest time for vacating a hotel room; "the checkout here is 12 noon"
  3. (checkout) a counter in a supermarket where you pay for your purchases
  4. Point of sale (POS) or checkout is the location where a transaction occurs. A "checkout" refers to a POS terminal or more generally to the hardware and software used for checkouts, the equivalent of an electronic cash register.
  5. (checkout) the process of checking out of a hotel, or the latest time to vacate a room in one; the process of checking out items at a supermarket or library; the place in a supermarket where this is done; a test to see if some device is functioning properly; an inspection or investigation
  6. (Check-Out) The parents job at the motel. This is listed here to remind parents to request “Late Check Out” times if offered at no charge by the motel. This makes the last day of the meet a little less hectic.
  7. (Checkout) A Subversion command which creates a local working copy in an empty directory by downloading versioned files from the repository.
  8. (Check-Out) The successfully hit out for game shot, as in "He hit the 170 check-out"
  9. (Checkout) Checking out a repository creates a copy of a desired branch on your local machine. This copy contains the latest revision of the repository that you specify.
  10. (CHECK-OUT) a procedure of registering out
  11. (CHECK-OUT) All tenants must Check-Out by 11AM on Saturday.  All keys are to be returned to Sand Dollar Real Estate’s office.  If keys are not brought back to the office, there will be a $25 assessment from your security deposit. ...
  12. (CHECKOUT) The final throw/s to to try and win a game.
  13. (Check-Out) A transaction approving a guest’s final bill.
  14. (Check-Out) IDE operation for the purpose of editing an object. It makes the item unavailable for other users to Check-Out.
  15. (Check-Out) Normal check-out time is between 8am and 10am on your booked day of departure, unless otherwise agreed in advance.
  16. (Check-Out) The process of accessing PDM-managed product data or information under PDM controlled procedures. This access may be for viewing, reference and use in another design or manufacturing task, or for making a design change. ...
  17. (Check-out) 8:30 am - 10 am sharp. Overstay charges may apply.
  18. (Check-out) Once users have selected the required purchases, they proceed to the 'check-out' to complete the transaction. At this stage, various additional pieces of information are input, such as name of requisitioner, date, cost centre, delivery address, etc.
  19. (Check-out) The date you will depart from the hotel.
  20. (Check-out) To record the loan of an item to a borrower. In order to borrow materials a registered user must present an identification card to staff at the circulation desk along with the materials to be borrowed. See also Circulation.
  21. (Check-out) a throw, that if hit, will win and game over.
  22. (Check-out) at 10:00 am (may stay later if there is not another guest arriving the same day)
  23. (Check-out) is required after disembarkation. The boat must be inspected for possible damages. If no damage occurs, the security deposit will be refunded to the client.
  24. (Checkout) An operation that occurs when a file in the source archive must be modified. Checking out a file in most Version Control Systems* locks* it, and prevents other people from checking the file out. In most Version Control Systems* , a file cannot be examined unless checked out. ...
  25. (Checkout) Borrow library materials using a Brown ID