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cheapo 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Inexpensive and of poor quality,
  1. Inexpensive and of poor quality
    • - a cheapo guitar
  1. An inexpensive thing of poor quality

  1. Cheapo is a music retail franchise with locations in Minnesota, Colorado, and Texas where customers can purchase new and used compact discs, DVDs, and, at some locations, cassettes and vinyl records. Everyday Music is a related music store with a similar format in Oregon and Washington. ...
  2. a phrase coined by U.S. Master Dr. Karl Burger, who has won a large percentage of his games by such a maneuver; a move which threatens something so obvious that only an idiot would fall for it, and he does.
  3. (slang): a trap , especially one that is superficial.
  4. Slang for a tactical shot or trap often made by the losing side to hold a draw or win. See also Swindle.