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chatty 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chattier, comparative; chattiest, superlative;
  1. (of a person) Fond of talking in an easy, informal way

  2. (of a conversation, letter, etc.) Informal and lively

  1. full of trivial conversation; "kept from her housework by gabby neighbors"
  2. prone to friendly informal communication
  3. (chattily) in a chatty manner; "`when I was a girl,' she said chattily, `I used to ride a bicycle'"
  4. Of a person, chatting a lot or fond of chatting; Of a text or speech, expressed in a conversational style
  5. A term used for articles which seem to present their content in the manner of a casual conversation with the reader. Chatty articles may need cleanup.
  6. Part-time; not real.