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chatterers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chatterers, plural;
  1. Any of a number of birds with chattering calls, esp. a babbler, a waxwing, or a cotinga

  1. (chatterer) an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker
  2. (chatterer) cotinga: passerine bird of New World tropics
  3. The Chatterer or Chatter Box is a Cenobite appearing in the movies Hellraiser and '. He was originally a child before he was pulled into the Labyrinth and severely mutilated into his current form. Like all cenobites, he is clad in black leather. ...
  4. (chatterer) A person who chatters; a chatterbox; Any of several passerine birds, mostly from South America; especially the cotingas