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chary 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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charier, comparative; chariest, superlative;
  1. Cautious; wary
    • - most people are chary of allowing themselves to be photographed
  2. Cautious about the amount one gives or reveals
    • - he was chary with specifics about the script

  1. cagey: characterized by great caution and wariness; "a cagey avoidance of a definite answer"; "chary of the risks involved"; "a chary investor"
  2. (charily) with great caution; warily
  3. Sad, grievous; Cautious, wary, shy, ungenerous
  4. (charier) comparative form of chary: more chary
  5. very cautious, wary; also, not giving/expending freely
  6. (adj) - wary, cautious