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chartists 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chartists, plural;
  1. A person who uses charts of financial data to predict future trends and to guide investment strategies

  1. (chartist) a 19th century English reformer who advocated better social and economic conditions for working people
  2. (chartist) a stock market analyst who tries to predict market trends from graphs of recent prices of securities
  3. Chartism was a movement for political and social reform in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland during the mid-19th century, between 1838 and 1850. ...
  4. (Chartist (magazine)) Chartist is a bi-monthly democratic socialist magazine which has been published in Britain since the 1970s.
  5. (Chartist (occupation)) A chartist (also known as a technical trader or technical analyst) is one who utilizes charts to assess patterns of activity that might be helpful in making future predictions. ...
  6. (Chartist) An individual who uses charts and graphs and interprets historical data to find trends and predict future movements. Also referred to as Technical Trader.
  7. (CHARTIST) Technical analyst and forecaster of the gold market based on historical price trends. See technical analysis.
  8. (Chartist) Refers to a technical analyst or one who analyses charts/graphs and data to uncover potential trends.
  9. (Chartist) A person who attempts to predict prices by analyzing past price movements as recorded on a chart.
  10. (Chartist) A security analyst who believes the plotting of share price and other security price data on charts may indicate future movements in prices.
  11. (Chartist) Another name for a technical analyst. This is a person who uses charts to identify patterns that can suggest future activity.
  12. (Chartist) Person who analyses markets with the use of charts
  13. (Chartist) Technical trader who reacts to signals derived from graphs of price movements.
  14. (Chartist) an accountant with a deep love of graphs
  15. A technical analyst who charts the patterns of stocks, bonds, and commodities to find trends in patterns of trading used to advise clients. Related: Technical analysts.