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characterization 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. word picture: a graphic or vivid verbal description; "too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures"; "the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland"; "the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters"
  2. the act of describing distinctive characteristics or essential features; "the media's characterization of Al Gore as a nerd"
  3. portrayal: acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture
  4. (characterize) qualify: describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of; "You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist"; "This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover"
  5. In Conflict of Laws, characterisation is the second stage in the procedure to resolve a lawsuit involving a foreign law element. This process is described in English law as classification and as qualification in French law. ...
  6. Characterization, when used in materials science, refers to the use of external techniques to probe into the internal structure and properties of a material. Characterization can take the form of actual materials testing, or analysis, for example in some form of microscope.
  7. In mathematics, the statement that "Property P characterizes object X" means, not simply that X has property P, but that X is the only thing that has property P. It is also common to find statements such as "Property Q characterises Y up to isomorphism". ...
  8. The act or process of characterizing
  9. (characterize) To depict someone or something a particular way (often negative.); To determine the characteristics of
  10. (char·ac·ter·ize) to distinguish, individualize, mark, qualify, singularize, or differentiate something
  11. (Characterizing) The student has held a particular value or belief that now exerts influence on his/her behaviour so that it becomes a characteristic.
  12. Once a defect or yield excursion has been detected, the process or act of identifying and reviewing the defect in order to determine source
  13. all of the techniques that writers use to create characters.
  14. The process of developing and portraying a character.
  15. Sampling, monitoring, and analysis activities to determine the extent and nature of contamination at a facility or site. Characterization provides the necessary technical information to develop, screen, analyze, and select appropriate cleanup techniques.
  16. This is the process of creating an ICC profile that describes the unique colour characteristics of a devices used to process your stock photo, such as a monitor, scanner, colour printer, and printing press.
  17. The act of describing a device's behavior through software. In color management, this typically means creating an ICC profile.
  18. An author or poet's use of description, dialogue, dialect, and action to create in the reader an emotional or intellectual reaction to a character or to make the character more vivid and realistic. ...
  19. Sampling and analysis that identifies types and amounts of isotopes present, including the mix of isotope types in each area. Information gathered is used to identify radiation hazards as well as safety procedures and personal protective equipment needed. ...
  20. Characterization aggregates classified environmental interventions/aspects within an environmental impact category. This step results in environmental performance indicators.
  21. the application of techniques of examination by which characteristic properties of the constituent material of traded goods can be identified, and thus their source of origin; e.g. petrographic thin-section analysis.
  22. Determination of the attributes of resource units, populations, or sampling units. A prominent use in EMAP is characterization of 40-hexes.
  23. (1) Information about a digital object that describes its character or significant nature that can function as an surrogate for the object itself for purposes of much preservation analysis and decision making. (2) The process of deriving this information. ...
  24. the fictional or artistic presentation of a fictional personage. A term like "a good character" can, then, be ambig-uous—it may mean that the personage is virtuous or that he or she is well presented regardless of his or her characteristics or moral qualities.
  25. 1. Of AnGR: All activities associated with the description of AnGR aimed at better knowledge of these resources and their state. (Source: FAO, 1999)