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char 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chars, 3rd person singular present; charred, past tense; charring, present participle; charred, past participle;
  1. Work as a charwoman

  1. A troutlike freshwater or marine fish of northern countries, widely valued as a food and game fish

  1. a charred substance
  2. burn to charcoal; "Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything"
  3. burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color; "The cook blackened the chicken breast"; "The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece"; "the flames scorched the ceiling"
  4. charwoman: a human female employed to do housework; "the char will clean the carpet"; "I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write"
  5. any of several small trout-like fish of the genus Salvelinus
  6. Char is the solid material that remains after light gases (e.g. coal gas) and tar (e.g. coal tar) have been driven-out or released from a carbonaceous material, during the initial stage of combustion, which is known as carbonization, charring, devolatilization or pyrolysis. ...
  7. The Koprulu Sector is the main setting for games and books about the fictional StarCraft universe. This sector of space was colonized by Terrans, near the edges of Protoss space. It is situated on the galactic fringe of the Milky Way, 60,000 light years from planet Earth. ...
  8. Chars is a commune in the Val-d'Oise department in Île-de-France in northern France.
  9. a time; a turn or occasion; a turn of work; a labour or item of business; an odd job, a chore or piece of housework; a charlady, a woman employed to do housework; cleaning lady; to turn, especially away or aside; to work, especially to do housework
  10. (Char/s) Abbreviation for characters per second. Formerly cps.
  11. The remains of solid biomass that has been incompletely combusted, such as charcoal if wood is incompletely burned.
  12. A byproduct of low-temperature carbonization of a solid fuel.
  13. A data type typically 8-bit in size [4]
  14. The surface of a material is partially burnt to leave behind unburnt carbon.
  15. A char takes up 1 byte of memory and stores a character value written in single quotes, like 'A'. The char stores the characters in ASCII as numbers, which means a char can be used for arithmetic. The char datatype is a signed type, meaning that it encodes numbers from –128 to 127. ...
  16. Fish in the family Salmonidae that belong to the genus Salvelinus.  For example, bull trout is a char.
  17. A residue resulting from pyrolysis, carbonization, and gasification of biomass. (source: ASABE terms update)
  18. Characterization Analysis Report—Phase I results, Phase II sampling, literature searches, and input from ship systems experts are used to describe the physical and chemical properties of each discharge. ...
  19. A Java^TM keyword for a primitive data type. The char data type has 16 bits and follows the Unicode standard. Range: 0 to 65535, with 0 to 127 following the subset ASCII. The char literal consists of single quotes around the character. ...
  20. to burn wood partially to make into charcoal
  21. The partially scorched, pre-ash remnants of tobacco.
  22. Solid carbonaceous residue that results from incomplete combustion of organic material.
  23. because. From the F.: car (pronounced: kar).
  24. A species of fish that is related to trout, that prefers cold water and is found many places in the world, including both east and west United States. Examples of char are brook trout, lake trout, arctic char and Dolly Varden.
  25. an excellent game fish that is a cousin of the trout family