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channelize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. steer: direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
  2. make a channel for; provide with a channel; "channelize the country for better transportation"
  3. transmit: send from one person or place to another; "transmit a message"
  4. (channelization) management through specified channels of communication
  5. Channelized in a telecommunications environment means that the line that communications have been transmitted over contains more than one message thread, separated in some fashion.
  6. (Channelization (roads)) Channelization is an engineering concept which employs the use of secondary roads to separate certain flows of traffic from the main traffic lanes. This method came into favor in the United States in the 1950s.
  7. to form a channel, especially by deepening or altering the course of a river; to transmit something through a channel; to multiplex messages through a single line
  8. (Channelized) A portion of a river channel that has been enlarged or deepened, and often has armored banks.
  9. (Channelized) A transmission option for subscribers of symmetrical services. Channelized service allows a subscriber to assign one device (such as a PC) to a DS0 channel, resulting in many devices being able to transmit and receive simultaneously at 64 kbps.
  10. (channelized) The channel is any one of n time slots within a given line, where the following is true:
  11. Channelization is the separation or regulation of conflicting traffic movements into definite paths of travel by use of pavement markings, raised islands, or other suitable means for the safe and orderly movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
  12. (channelization) the process of modifying the natural course of a stream in order to make it flow into or along a restricted path
  13. (Channelization) the straightening and deepening of a stream channel to permit the water to move faster or to drain a wet area for farming
  14. (Channelization) Also known as channel improvement. An engineering scheme that is designed to stabilize a waterway to increase water flow speeds, reduce bank erosion, protect against flooding or deepen a navigational pathway.2
  15. (Channelization) An engineering technique used to straighten, widen, deepen or otherwise modify a natural stream channel.
  16. (Channelization) Capability of transmitting independent signals together over a cable while still maintaining their separate identity for later separation.
  17. (Channelization) Engineering watercourses by straightening, widening, or deepening them so water will move faster. While improving drainage, this process can interfere with waste assimilation capacity, disturb fish and wildlife habitats, and aggravate flooding in other areas.
  18. (Channelization) Navigation or flood control projects that widen, deepen, or straighten streams, canals, or rivers. Environmental consequences associated with channelization include bank erosion, increased sedimentation and flooding, and decreased biomass.
  19. (Channelization) The creation of a channel or channels resulting in faster water flow, a reduction in hydraulic residence time, and less contact between water and solid surfaces in the water body.
  20. (Channelization) The process of subdividing the bandwidth of a circuit into smaller increments called channels. Typically, each channel carries an individual transmission, e.g., a voice conversation, a data conversation, or a computer-to-computer session. ...
  21. (channelization) A multiple access method in which the available bandwidth of a link is shared in time.