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changer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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changers, plural;
  1. A person or thing that changes something

  2. A device that holds several computer disks or compact disks and is able to switch between them

  1. a person who changes something; "an inveterate changer of the menu"
  2. record changer: an automatic mechanical device on a record player that causes new records to be played without manual intervention
  3. Changer is an Icelandic death metal / metalcore band, formed in 1999. The band has released two albums and two EPs.
  4. The Changers are a group of super-heroes published by Wildstorm an imprint of DC Comics. The team first appears in Stormwatch #48 (May 1997), and was created by Warren Ellis and Tom Raney.
  5. (Changers (The Culture)) This article describes the fictional species of the 'Culture' science-fiction setting of Iain M. ...
  6. A clearing member of both the Mid-America Commodity Exchange (MCE) and another futures exchange who, for a fee, will assume the opposite side of a transaction on the MCE by taking a spread position between the MCE and another futures exchange which trades an identical, but larger, contract. ...
  7. An automated mechanical device capable of mounting new media without human intervention.
  8. a CD changer; a device which holds several CDs and plays them on demand without having to eject or manually sort discs. Needless to say you can now get DVD changers too.
  9. Derailer. (Mainly British usage.)
  10. is known to be the casino attendant that provides change.