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changeable 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Irregular; inconstant,
  1. Irregular; inconstant
    • - the weather will be changeable, with rain at times
  2. Able to change or be changed

  1. mutable: capable of or tending to change in form or quality or nature; "a mutable substance"; "the mutable ways of fortune"; "mutable weather patterns"; "a mutable foreign policy"
  2. such that alteration is possible; having a marked tendency to change; "changeable behavior"; "changeable moods"; "changeable prices"
  3. subject to change; "a changeable climate"; "the weather is uncertain"; "unsettled weather with rain and hail and sunshine coming one right after the other"
  4. varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles; "changeable taffeta"; "chatoyant (or shot) silk"; "a dragonfly hovered, vibrating and iridescent"
  5. Changeables, also known as McRobots, was a toy series produced by the McDonald's corp. and given away with fast-food meals at their restaurants. The series used the then-popular "" toy concept in conjunction with their own products. ...
  6. Capable of being changed; Subject to sudden or frequent changes
  7. (changeability) The capability of the software product to enable specified modifications to be implemented. [ISO 9126] See also maintainability.
  8. (Changeability) A theory is more changeable if the sub-theories are strongly coherent and the theory is loosely coupled with clearly defined dependencies. The effect of a change is determined by dependent relationships.
  9. (Changeability) The extent to which a contributing factor can be affected through an intervention.