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chancre 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chancres, plural;
  1. A painless ulcer, particularly one developing on the genitals as a result of venereal disease

  1. a small hard painless nodule at the site of entry of a pathogen (as syphilis)
  2. A chancre thefreedictionary is a painless ulceration formed during the primary stage of syphilis. This infectious lesion forms approximately 21 days after the initial exposure to Treponema pallidum, the gram-negative spirochaete bacterium yielding syphilis. ...
  3. Skin lesion, sometimes associated with certain contagious diseases like syphilis
  4. (chancres) (in  chancre (pathology))
  5. The classic painless ulcer of syphilis. The chancre forms in the first (primary) stage of syphilis. It is highly contagious and can last 1-5 weeks. The disease can be transmitted from contact with the ulcer, which is teeming with spirochetes. ...
  6. A sore that may occur during primary syphilis.
  7. Chancre refers to a venereal sore or ulcer; primary lesion of syphilis.
  8. noun - 1. a dull red, hard, insensitive lesion that is the first manifestation of syphilis 2. an ulcer, lesion, or sore located at the initial point of entry of a pathogen
  9. The initial skin ulcer of primary syphilis, consisting of an open sore with a firm or hard base.
  10. Pronounced "shan-kar" a chancre is a painless bump usually found in the genital area during primary syphilis.
  11. A hard, syphilitic primary ulcer, the first sign of syphilis, appearing approximately 2 to 3 weeks after infection. The ulcer begins as a painless lesion or papule that ulcerates. Occurs generally singly, but sometimes may be multiple.
  12. An ulceration on the genitals in the primary stage of infection.
  13. by Gordon Porterfield