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chamomile 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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camomiles, plural; chamomiles, plural;
  1. An aromatic European plant of the daisy family, with white and yellow daisylike flowers

  1. Eurasian plant with apple-scented foliage and white-rayed flowers and feathery leaves used medicinally; in some classification systems placed in genus Anthemis
  2. Alternative spelling of camomile
  3. A clinically proven plant-derived anti-inflammatory. Offers benefits such as soothing skin. Also calms eczema and allergic reactions.
  4. An aromatic flower that is dried and used to flavor chamomile tea. This tea is purported to be a soothing drink. Also spelled "camomile."
  5. Soothes as it heals dry, damaged, inflamed skin, and is excellent for treating eczema, dermatitis and itching. Safe for all skin types. Used to release tension, frustration, anxiety and depression.
  6. An all around healer, soother, calmer, and emollient. Avoid Moroccan - the cheap version - containing no healing power and irritating to the skin. Chamomile also gives gorgeous shades of gold and yellow, blue chamomile is the best.
  7. any of several plants of the aster family, with scented leaves and small daisylike flowers; the dried leaves and flowers were used in herbal cures, and Boorde recommends rubbing the body with oil of chamomile to cure palsy.
  8. stands for patience, especially if you are trying to make a lawn like all the books show.
  9. A family of plants with daisy-like flowers that are used in tea to calm and relax, improve sleep and help digestion.
  10. Anthemis nobilis. There are two chamomiles: Roman and German. Both produce the light blue oil, azulene, which has been used since ancient times for its invigorating qualities. Rejuvenating and relaxing, European facialists rave about this fragrant annual herb. ...
  11. A daisy like plant. Extract from the white and yellow heads of this daisy like plant (chamomile flowers) is used as an excellent skin soother and anti-inflammatory agent. Reputed to bring down swelling and pain in the skin and mucous membranes. ...
  12. or camomile is the common name for members of several related plant species in the sunflower or daisy family (Asteraceae), and in particular the annual herb Matricaria recutita (German chamomile) and the perennial herb Anthemis nobile (Roman chamomile, also classified as Chamaemelum nobile). ...
  13. Used to treat problem skin since ancient times for its sedative and emollient properties. A softening agent for rough or irritated skin. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. ...
  14. We’ve probably all heard of chamomile tea; it’s made from a plant. Well, it’s not only good for health by drinking, it’s also a great anti-inflammatory when used in lotions.
  15. Steam distilled from the flower heads of the plant.  Anti-inflammatory, good for sensitive skin and treating dermatitis, rashes, boils and haemorrhoids. Eases sore muscles, headaches, asthma and allergies; relieves indigestion and constipation. ...
  16. A soothing anti-inflammatory with strong healing properties.
  17. A daisy-like white & yellow flower head, known to reduce inflammation, external swelling, soothe skin irritation.
  18. The chamomile flower is part of the daisy family. It is one of the oldest herbs, dating back to ancient Egyptians. The essential oils within this herb soothe irritated skin included acne, and discomfort associated with burns and allergies and in concentrate can help ease bites and stings.
  19. Cooling and moisturizing anti- inflammatory that helps to reduce puffiness.
  20. Anthemis nobilis (Roman), Matricaria chamomilla (German or wild Chamomile) - The essential oil from this plant has many uses. It is calming to the nerves and has proven useful for children's ailments such as colic, sleeplessness, colds, and inflammation. ...
  21. Chamomile,  has a sweet, apple-like scent. It’s one of the primary essential oils used to calm, comfort and sedate a restless spirit and to help relieve irritated, inflamed skin conditions.
  22. soothing properties, calms upset stomach
  23. Traditionally it was used to reduce inflammations. Its medicinal qualities were also believed to cure spotty skins and insomnia.
  24. The beautiful flower and oils from this plant aid you in treating eczema, burns, dermatitis and other skin irritations. Chamomile has been longed used to relax and cure stress through its aroma and flavor.
  25. Chamomile can come from several plants, notably German and Roman varieties.  Used as an herbal remedy that has no side effects, chamomile’s benefits include calming and muscle relaxing abilities, especially on the nervous and digestive systems, and in regulating and easing the menstrual cycle. ...