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chaises 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chaises, plural;
  1. A horse-drawn carriage for one or two people, typically one with an open top and two wheels

  1. chaise longue: a long chair; for reclining
  2. (chaise) a carriage consisting of two wheels and a calash top; drawn by a single horse
  3. A chaise, sometimes called chay or shay, is a light two - or four-wheeled traveling or pleasure carriage, with a folding hood or calash top for one or two people.
  4. (Chaise (river)) The Chaise, also known as the Monthoux, is a mountain river of eastern France. It flows through the departments Savoie and Haute-Savoie. It is a right tributary of the Arly which it joins in Ugine where, in the mid nineteenth century, it was crossed by a wooden bridge.
  5. (chaise) An open, horse-drawn carriage for one or two people, usually with one horse and two wheels; A chaise longue; A post chaise
  6. (chaise) an upholstered elongated chair.
  7. (Chaise) A two to four wheel vehicle that carried a maximum of two and had a top.
  8. (Chaise) Chair, dining or side chair.
  9. (Chaise) a long chair with or with out arms and used for lounging with legs up
  10. (Chaise) or Shay :  2 passenger carriage [1870 example seen Ford Museum, Dearborn, 9/94]. The drawing below illustrates a colonial American post chaise
  11. (chaise) any light horse-driven vehicle.
  12. Elegant and sleek, Lodging Concepts’ hotel chaises create a transitional design, perfect for any hotel furniture project. Constructed from