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chairpersons 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chairpersons, plural;
  1. A chairman or chairwoman (used as a neutral alternative)

  1. (chairperson) president: the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization; "address your remarks to the chairperson"
  2. (Chairperson) The chairman is the highest office of an organized group such as a board, committee, or deliberative assembly. The person holding the office is typically elected or appointed by the members of the group. ...
  3. (Chairperson (Rival Schools)) This is a list of characters from the Rival Schools series of video games and comic books.
  4. (Chairperson) Member of the majority party who presides over the work of a committee or subcommittee.
  5. (CHAIRPERSON) A title used by some organizations to refer to the presiding officer. It should only be used when specified in the bylaws.
  6. (CHAIRPERSON) the elected faculty administrator for an academic department.
  7. (Chairperson) Individual who controls a meeting, deciding who can speak when.
  8. (Chairperson) Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP (President of the United Democratic Movement)
  9. (Chairperson) Prof MW (Giel) Prinsloo, University of Johannesburg
  10. (Chairperson) Staff member at an agility trial who is responsible for ensuring that the event takes place, usually a ranking member of the hosting club. Also called the show manager.
  11. (Chairperson) This person coordinates and supervises curriculum planning and arranges staff assignments within a particular academic department. A chairperson may help you with planning your program, signing forms, and discussing academic problems in that department.
  12. (Chairperson) This role will be rotated among the sectors.
  13. (Chairperson) the person who keeps order and is in charge of what happens during a debate.  They are the most important person in the House.
  14. (chairperson) Use chair, not chairman or chairwoman, in referring to this position at WBS. In referring to the credentials of off-campus individuals or organisations, use the designation they provide.
  15. A project chairperson is responsible for completing a project. This involves submitting a CPG for approval, coordinating project details, and submitting a final CPG when the project is over.