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chaired 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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chaired, past participle; chaired, past tense; chairs, 3rd person singular present; chairing, present participle;
  1. Act as chairperson of or preside over (an organization, meeting, or public event)

  2. Carry (someone) aloft in a chair or in a sitting position to celebrate a victory

  1. A chair is a stable, raised surface used to sit on, commonly for use by one person. Chairs often have the seat raised above floor level, supported by four legs. ...
  2. (Chairing) The chairman is the highest office of an organized group such as a board, committee, or deliberative assembly. The person holding the office is typically elected or appointed by the members of the group. ...
  3. (Chairing) If it is the role of a member of the Management Committee/Board to act as a chair for a particular sub committee then that should be detailed in the role description for that position. ...