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cesspools 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cesspools, plural;
  1. An underground container for the temporary storage of liquid waste and sewage

  2. A disgusting or corrupt place
    • - they should clean out their own political cesspool

  1. (cesspool) a covered cistern; waste water and sewage flow into it
  2. (Cesspool) A cesspit, or cesspool is a pit, conservancy tank, or covered cistern, which can be used for sewage or refuse. Traditionally, it was a deep cylindrical chamber dug into the earth, having approximate dimensions of 1 meter diameter and 2-3 meters depth. ...
  3. (Cesspool (G.I. Joe)) Cesspool is a fictional character from the toyline, comic books and cartoon series.
  4. (cesspool) An underground pit where sewage is held; A filthy place
  5. (Cesspool) A simple method of drain comprising a holding tank which needs frequent emptying. Not to be confused with "septic tank".
  6. (Cesspool) A lined or partially lined underground pit into which raw household wastewater is discharge and from which the liquid seeps into the surrounding soil. Sometimes called leaching cesspool. [3]
  7. A cesspool is a lined excavation in the ground which receives the discharges of a drainage system or part thereof, so designed as to retain the organic matter and solids discharging therein, but permitting the liquids to seep through the bottom and sides.
  8. (Cesspool) An underground container for waste matter or a covered underground tank or well for the collection of waste matter and water, especially sewage. There are two main types of cesspools, hand laid block and pre-cast concrete. ...
  9. (Cesspool) An underground catch basin for liquid waste, usually lined with brick, concrete, or stone, capable of drainage into the surrounding soil.
  10. (CESSPOOL) A receptacle in the ground which receives crude sewage and is so constructed that the organic portion of such sewage is retained while the liquid portion seeps through its walls or bottom.
  11. (Cesspool (Book Titles)) Joys of Septic Tanks: Seth Poole ^JG
  12. (Cesspool) A "drywell" that receives untreated sanitary waste containing human excreta, and which sometimes has an open bottom and/or perforated sides.
  13. (Cesspool) A covered hole or pit for receiving sewage.
  14. (Cesspool) A covered watertight tank used for receiving and storing sewage from premises which cannot be connected to the public sewer and where conditions prevent the use of a small sewage treatment works, including a septic tank.
  15. (Cesspool) A pit in the ground used to disperse sewage into the ground without first digesting it; generally illegal.
  16. (Cesspool) A private sewerage system consisting of a pit underground where sewerage flows into and allows the waste water to leach through the sides of the pit leaving the sludge to be pumped regularly.
  17. (Cesspool) Also known as a cesspit or a holding tank – a pit used for sewage or any other discharges from the drainage system. Liquids leach out while solids decompose in the base of the cesspool. A build up of solid matter will obstruct the cesspool to cause the overflow of liquids. ...
  18. (Cesspool) An nice warm comfortable environment where pastards convince sheople through seduction to join them through abject bribery to do laps
  19. (Cesspool) the ugly corporate raider who liked to rape Mother Nature
  20. (cesspool) (n.): a deep hole in the ground into which sewage from sinks, toilets, etc. is drained.