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cervix 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cervices, plural;
  1. The narrow necklike passage forming the lower end of the uterus

  2. The neck

  3. A part of other bodily organs resembling a neck

  1. neck: the part of an organism (human or animal) that connects the head to the rest of the body; "he admired her long graceful neck"; "the horse won by a neck"
  2. necklike opening to the uterus
  3. The cervix in insects is a membrane that separates the head from the thorax and is composed of structures from both of these. A pair of lateral cervical sclerites are embedded in the cervix.Scoble (1995) Ch.3:The adult thorax - a study in function & effect (pp 39-91).
  4. A narrow passage connecting the vagina to the womb (uterus)
  5. The opening between the uterus and the vagina. The cervical mucus plugs the cervical canal and normally prevents foreign materials from entering the reproductive tract. The cervix remains closed during pregnancy and dilates during labor and delivery to allow the baby to be born.
  6. The part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. It is the segment that is checked for abnormal cells by a Pap smear. It is connected to the uterine cavity by a hollow canal called the cervical canal. ...
  7. 10 to 20cm long with transverse folds which are continuous with the vaginal mucous membrane. Transverse folds form a "corkscrew."
  8. the narrow entry between the vagina and the uterus. The muscles of the cervix are flexible so that it can expand to let a baby pass through during birth.
  9. the top vertebrae of the spine where the trigeminal nerve originates and through which the spinal cord passes to connect to the brain stem.
  10. the cuff of tissue that leads into the uterus
  11. The largely membranous neck region of an insect, between head and thorax.
  12. Band of muscle and connective tissue which form the lower end of the uterus; softens during the latter stages of pregnancy and dilates during labor to about four inches.
  13. (etymology) – from Latin for "the neck"
  14. Neck of womb. It acts as a reservoir for sperm and secretes an alkaline mucus which protect sperm from the acidity of the vagina.
  15. Any “necklike” structure; usually refers to the neck of the uterus where cancer may occur.
  16. the cervix relaxes right before estrus occurs, and the secretions of the cervix increase. High progesterone levels (during diestrus) cause the cervix to close.
  17. connector between vagina and uterus that produces mucus in response to estrogen to help sperm gain access to the uterus
  18. the neck of the tooth; the area where the crown joins the root or the enamel joins the cementum.
  19. the lowest part of your uterus. It can be felt at the top of your vagina. Your cervix changes when you are fertile. The changes may take some time to recognize. When you are fertile your cervix will be wet (from the fertile mucus), higher, softer and more open.
  20. The neck or narrow lower end of a woman's uterus.
  21. 1: the neck 2: a constricted portion of a part or organ
  22. Latin = neck, adjective - cervical.
  23. cuello de la matriz, cérvix
  24. the lower part of the samovar.
  25. The entrance to the womb. During pregnancy, the job of the cervix is to hold the baby inside the uterus. At other times, its main function is to keep the uterus free of infection, while allowing sperm to pass through to fertilize an egg