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cerulean 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Deep blue in color like a clear sky,
  1. Deep blue in color like a clear sky
    • - cerulean waters and golden sands
  1. A deep sky-blue color

  1. azure: a light shade of blue
  2. azure: of a deep somewhat purplish blue color similar to that of a clear October sky; "October's bright blue weather"
  3. Cerulean, also spelled caerulean, may be applied to a range of colors from deep blue, sky-blue, bright blue or azure color through greenish blue colors.
  4. A deep blue colour, like the sky on a fine day; Of a deep blue colour, like the sky on a fine day
  5. (also here) – pure, strong blue, the color of the cloudless sky [Source here says "sky-blue", but that definition rather begs the question, for a sky can range from light pale blue to rich strong blue. Which do we mean? There seems to be some confusion. ...
  6. of a deep, clear blue; azure [L.- caelum, heaven, caeruleus, dark blue]
  7. Sky blue.  Although this word is derived from the Latin  caeruleus, meaning dark blue, it is generally considered a bright or light blue today.
  8. a natural trademark EMBA mink color, generally a silver or gray
  9. is a female haemophage civet, sister to Carnelian, and a member of Crimson's pack.
  10. adjective - azure; sky-blue