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cerebral 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of the cerebrum of the brain,
  1. Of the cerebrum of the brain
    • - a cerebral hemorrhage
    • - the cerebral cortex
  2. Intellectual rather than emotional or physical
    • - photography is a cerebral process

  1. involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct; "a cerebral approach to the problem"; "cerebral drama"
  2. of or relating to the cerebrum or brain; "cerebral hemisphere"; "cerebral activity"
  3. (cerebrally) in an intellectual manner; "cerebrally active"
  4. (cerebrum) anterior portion of the brain consisting of two hemispheres; dominant part of the brain in humans
  5. The cerebrum or telencephalon, together with the diencephalon, constitute the forebrain. It is the most anterior or, especially in humans, most superior region of the vertebrate central nervous system. "Telencephalon" refers to the embryonic structure, from which the mature "cerebrum" develops. ...
  6. Of, or relating to the brain or cerebral cortex of the brain; Intellectual rather than emotional; Retroflex
  7. (cerebrum) the upper frontal part of the brain responsible for thought and for higher motor functions and sensory processing. The term cerebral is often used to refer to the brain in general.
  8. (Cerebrum) Regions of the brain that interact for consciousness and control of behavior.
  9. (cerebrum) the 'fore-brain', including the cortex and other later-evolving parts of the brain, including the amygdala and the hippocampus (qv).
  10. Of the brain. Cerebral vascular disease is a disorder concerning the blood vessels of the brain, such as cerebral thrombosis or hemorrhage, known as apoplexy or stroke.
  11. Complex and begging careful attention and analysis.  Frequently also implies that such analysis is difficult.
  12. "I'm afraid you've had a stroke," said Tom cerebrally.
  13. Having to do with the two halves of the brain.
  14. The term cerebral refers to the portion of the brain that comprises mainly the central hemisphere (cerebral cortex and basal ganglia).