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cerebellar 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. relating to or associated with the cerebellum; "cerebellar artery"
  2. (cerebellum) a major division of the vertebrate brain; situated above the medulla oblongata and beneath the cerebrum in humans
  3. The cerebellum (Latin for little brain) is a region of the brain that plays an important role in motor control. ...
  4. (cerebellum) a brain structure involved in the control and coordination of voluntary muscle movements.
  5. (cerebellum) a hindbrain structure that controls the timing of well-learned movements. 81
  6. (Cerebellum) Located at the base of the skull, the cerebellum is the part of the brain responsible for balance and coordination.
  7. (Cerebellum) This part of the human brain controls the movement of arms and legs, balance, body position, and posture is positioned under the cerebrum.
  8. (CEREBELLUM) Located behind the brainstem, extending from the brainstem out toward each mastoid bone. It carries 11% of the brain's weight and controls muscular coordination.
  9. (Cerebellum (Book Titles)) Brane Surjery Maid Simpel: Sarah Bellum ^JG
  10. (Cerebellum) A cauliflower-shaped structure located below the occipital area and next to the brain stem. The word is Latin for "little brain." Traditionally, research linked it to balance, posture, coordination and muscle movements. Newer research has linked it to cognition, novelty and emotions.
  11. (Cerebellum) A structure derived from the rhombencephalon, attached to the brain stem at the pons; an important movement control centre.
  12. (Cerebellum) Receives input from sensory nerves, vestibular, auditory and visual systems. Controls fine motor coordination, balance, muscle tone, and basic aspects of memory and learning.
  13. (Cerebellum) belle of the county. "Sara McCoy was so beautiful and personble that most folks called her the cerebellum of Lee County."
  14. (Cerebellum) occupies most of the posterior cranial fossa; damage produces ataxia, slurring of speech.
  15. (Cerebellum) produces award-winning educational programming optimized for classroom use. Each subject is a topic-based video series that teaches uniquely with the learner’s perspective in mind.
  16. (cerebellum) A brain structure that regulates movement and balance, and that is involved in the learning of certain kinds of simple responses.
  17. (cerebellum) A major part of the brainstem in mammalian brains, involved in integration of sensory information and motor commands.
  18. (cerebellum) brain center controlling muscle coordination.
  19. (cerebellum) brain structure in posterior fossa that coordinates the many muscles active in any given movement; receives input from spinal cord and cerebral cortex and projects to postural and voluntary motor control systems and red nucleus
  20. (cerebellum) diminutive of Latin cerebrum = brain.