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centrum 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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centrums, plural; centra, plural;
  1. The solid central part of a vertebra, to which the arches and processes are attached

  1. the main body of a vertebra
  2. Centrum, located in Fort Worden State Park near Port Townsend, Washington in Jefferson County is a gathering place for artists and creative thinkers from around the world, students of all ages and backgrounds, and audiences seeking cultural enrichment.
  3. Centrum is a brand of multivitamins produced by Wyeth, which is now a part of Pfizer.
  4. Partia Centrum (Centre Party) is a centrist, moderately conservative political party in Poland. Established on 3 April 2004, its founding declaration proclaimed a "necessity to take immediate steps towards repairing the state and to radically change the style of politics". ...
  5. Metro Centrum is a Warsaw Metro station located under the Plac Defilad square in the borough of Śródmieście, next to the Roman Dmowski roundabout, where two main streets, Marszałkowska and Aleje Jerozolimskie, intersect. ...
  6. the structures within an ascoma, i.e. the asci and hamathecium (Hawksworth et al., 1983).
  7. the structures inside an ascoma, which are concerned with development of the asci.
  8. The major portion of the vertebral body the various processes (extensions) and arch components are attached to the centrum and the discs are between the centra.
  9. Name given to the central portion of a vertebra.