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centring 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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centers, 3rd person singular present; centered, past tense; centered, past participle; centering, present participle; centred, past participle; centring, present participle; centred, past tense; centres, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Have (something) as a major concern or theme
    • - the case centers around the couple's adopted children
    • - the plot centers on two young men
  2. Cause an argument or discussion to focus on (a specified issue)
    • - he is centering his discussion on an analysis of patterns of mortality
  3. (of an activity) Occur mainly in or around (a specified place)
    • - the mercantile association was centered in northern Germany
  4. Place in the middle
    • - to center the needle, turn the knob
  5. Pass the ball back from the ground to another player to begin a down; snap

  1. Centring (UK), or centering (US) is the structure upon which the stones of arches or vault are laid during construction. ...
  2. (centred) pertaining to the location that is middle-most to
  3. (Centred) Referring to the position of the design of the stamp in relation to the edges of the stamp. eg. Well Centred - an equal margin between the edges of the stamp and the design.
  4. (CENTRED (or CENTERED)) The term used when a charge is set in the geometric or visual centre of a flag or the panel it occupies – see ‘visual centre’ (also ‘inset’, ‘off-set towards’ and ‘off-centred’).
  5. temporary wooden scaffolding on which an arch or vault rests until the mortar has set.
  6. The balancing of the aircraft that is carried out according to the weight of the passengers, cargo, mail, baggage and fuel.