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centric 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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In or at the center; central,
  1. In or at the center; central
    • - centric and peripheral forces
  2. (of a diatom) Radially symmetrical

  1. having or situated at or near a center
  2. Centric (formerly BET on Jazz, BET Jazz and BET J) is a spin-off cable television channel of BET (Black Entertainment Television), created originally to showcase jazz music-related programming, especially that of black jazz musicians. ...
  3. In music, the tonic is the first scale degree of the diatonic scale and the tonal center or final resolution tone . The triad formed on the tonic note, the tonic chord, is thus the most significant chord. ...
  4. Christopher Louray Mandujan (born August 28, 1983), better known by his stage name Centric, is a well known record producer for "FreeAtLastMusic" publishing. Centric has produced singles for a number of artists from 2003 to the present day. ...
  5. anything can be '-centric.' Go ahead, try it. You're in sales? That's great, you're now customer-centric. Call Liveline much? That'll make you media-centric. Use Facebook a few times each week? Wow, you're a web-centric kind of guy (or gal).
  6. Refers to one of two orders of diatoms, characterized by their circular or discoid shape otherwise known as radial symmetry (see Pennate)
  7. reinforcement of the conceptual and institutional status quo or of the building blocks by which any "alternative" might be constructed. Essential for maintenance and continuity
  8. The term means that a certain fanfic is centred almost totally on one character (e.g. a Lilycentric fic).
  9. [ séntrik ] or cen·tri·cal [ séntrik'l ]
  10. 1: located in or at a center; central 2: concentrated about or directed toward a center