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centred 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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centers, 3rd person singular present; centered, past tense; centered, past participle; centering, present participle; centred, past participle; centring, present participle; centred, past tense; centres, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Have (something) as a major concern or theme
    • - the case centers around the couple's adopted children
    • - the plot centers on two young men
  2. Cause an argument or discussion to focus on (a specified issue)
    • - he is centering his discussion on an analysis of patterns of mortality
  3. (of an activity) Occur mainly in or around (a specified place)
    • - the mercantile association was centered in northern Germany
  4. Place in the middle
    • - to center the needle, turn the knob
  5. Pass the ball back from the ground to another player to begin a down; snap

  1. pertaining to the location that is middle-most to
  2. The term used when a charge is set in the geometric or visual centre of a flag or the panel it occupies – see ‘visual centre’ (also ‘inset’, ‘off-set towards’ and ‘off-centred’).
  3. Referring to the position of the design of the stamp in relation to the edges of the stamp. eg. Well Centred - an equal margin between the edges of the stamp and the design.