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centralizes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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centralising, present participle; centralized, past tense; centralizes, 3rd person singular present; centralises, 3rd person singular present; centralised, past tense; centralizing, present participle; centralised, past participle; centralized, past participle;
  1. Concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority
    • - a vast superstructure of centralized control
  2. Bring (activities) together in one place
    • - the ultimate goal is to centralize boxing under one umbrella

  1. (centralized) drawn toward a center or brought under the control of a central authority; "centralized control of emergency relief efforts"; "centralized government"
  2. (Centralized) Centralisation, or centralization (see spelling differences), is the process by which the activities of an organisation, particularly those regarding planning decision-making, become concentrated within a particular location and/or group.
  3. (Centralize) Movement of instrument by feel of contact so that its axis is oriented parallel to the line of measurement. This is sometimes called "rocking".
  4. (Centralize) To place pieces and pawns so they attack the center.
  5. (Centralized) (usually in terms of vowels):  Refers to vowels that are pronounced between front and back vowels (see fronting and backing definitions).
  6. (Centralized) assessment Assessment of student learning by an external authority such as the Ministry of Education
  7. (centralized) A type of network design in which users are not responsible for creating their own data backups or providing security for their computers; instead, those tasks are handled by a centralized server, software, and a system administrator.
  8. (centralized) Describes those organizations in which decisions are made by a relatively few individuals in the high ranks of the organization.
  9. (centralized) Systems where decision making, flow of data or goods and services, or the beginning of activities are initiated at the same central point and disseminated to remote points in the chain or organization.