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centralization 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the act of consolidating power under a central control
  2. gathering to a center
  3. (centralize) make central; "The Russian government centralized the distribution of food"
  4. centralizing(a): tending to draw to a central point
  5. Centralisation, or centralization (see spelling differences), is the process by which the activities of an organisation, particularly those regarding planning decision-making, become concentrated within a particular location and/or group.
  6. (Centralize) Movement of instrument by feel of contact so that its axis is oriented parallel to the line of measurement. This is sometimes called "rocking".
  7. (Centralize) To place pieces and pawns so they attack the center.
  8. (Centralized) (usually in terms of vowels):  Refers to vowels that are pronounced between front and back vowels (see fronting and backing definitions).
  9. (Centralized) assessment Assessment of student learning by an external authority such as the Ministry of Education
  10. (centralized) A type of network design in which users are not responsible for creating their own data backups or providing security for their computers; instead, those tasks are handled by a centralized server, software, and a system administrator.
  11. (centralized) Systems where decision making, flow of data or goods and services, or the beginning of activities are initiated at the same central point and disseminated to remote points in the chain or organization.
  12. One of several qualities economists and others use to assess any tax system. Centralization refers to the concentration of administrative power in a central authority. ...
  13. the gathering together, at a corporate headquarters, of specialist functions such as finance, personnel and information technology. Centralization is usually undertaken in order to effect economies of scale and to standardize operating procedures throughout the organization. ...
  14. The spatial regrouping of activities into larger units. May refer to reductions in numbers of service units of the welfare state or movements back into central cities. Contrast with decentralization.
  15. of infrastructure in locations with lower costs (such as real estate, electricity, etc.)
  16. This refers to the act of moving your Pieces - one or more - toward the Center of the chessboard.
  17. The degree to which information must flow through a specific central member of a communication network. [GB]
  18. Concentration of processes, practices and procedures into a single location, role and/or mechanism.
  19. Characterizes the amount to which the network is centered on one or a few important nodes.
  20. The network can easily be scaled or expanded by adding to the capacity of the hub node, or by adding additional devices to the star. The fact that all traffic passes through the central hub means that the hub can easily be used to inspect or control traffic through the network.
  21. the concentration of power in the central government and at the national level, rather than being shared between national, regional and local authorities.
  22. The location of decision making authority near top organisational levels.
  23. Characteristic of a practice in which a limited amount of authority is delegated.
  24. The degree to which decisions are made at the top of the organization.
  25. The difference between the number of links for each node divided by maximum possible sum of differences. ...