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centrality 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the property of being central
  2. Within graph theory and network analysis, there are various measures of the centrality of a vertex within a graph that determine the relative importance of a vertex within the graph (for example, how important a person is within a social network, or, in the theory of space syntax, how important ...
  3. Focus on the terminal as a point of origin and destination of traffic. Thus, centrality is linked with the generation and attraction of movements, which are related to the nature and the level of economic activities within the vicinity of the concerned terminal. ...
  4. (insert a good definition). The study of centrality has a long history in social network analysis. It was introduced to quantify the structural impact an edge or node has on the processes over the network it is in. ...
  5. Some, not all, data sets have a tendency to cluster around a central value. This tendency is called "centrality." There are three common measures of centrality in data sets which possess it. These are the Mean, Median, and Mode. None is permanently better than the others. ...
  6. The concept of centrality, in simple terms, attempts to identify those actors in a network that appear to be highly connected. This is often referred to as “directed” centrality which looks at the number of direct incoming and out-going links. There are other ways of determining centrality. ...
  7. Term used to refer to the location of an individual in a communication network. Centrality is measured by the number of "linkages" required for a position to communicate, through channels, to every other position in the network.
  8. This measure gives a rough indication of the social power of a node based on how well they “connect” the network. “Betweenness”, “Closeness”, and “Degree” are all measures of centrality. (Wikipedia)