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cento 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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centos, plural;
  1. A literary work made up of quotations from other authors

  1. Cento is a city and comune in the province of Ferrara, part of the region Emilia-Romagna (northern Italy). Cento is also a well known premium Italian brand of food products.
  2. The Central Treaty Organization (also referred to as CENTO, original name was Middle East Treaty Organization or METO, also known as the Baghdad Pact) was adopted in 1955 by Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. It was dissolved in 1979.
  3. A cento is a poetical work wholly composed of verses or passages taken from other authors; only disposed in a new form or order. Centos have been composed out of works by Homer, "Euripides, Vergil, Ovid, Cicero, Petrarch, Shakespeare, Goethe, and Emily Dickinson".
  4. CentOS is a community-supported, mainly free software operating system based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It exists to provide a free enterprise class computing platform and strives to maintain 100% binary compatibility with its upstream distribution. ...
  5. A hotchpotch, a mixture; especially a piece made up of quotations from other authors
  6. (CentOS) A version of Linux used by Fonality and trixbox. It is built from the same source code base as Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  7. CentOS is a freely-available Linux distribution that is based on Red Hats’ commercial product.
  8. 'Cantata Urbana' (Grier). 1967. 12 spkrs (SATB), tape. BMIC 1968. RCI 357/5-ACM 22 (Tudor Singers of Montreal)
  9. A prefix meaning a hundred times, as in centogram, a hundred grams.
  10. From the Latin word for "patchwork," the cento is a poetic form made up of lines from poems by other poets. Though poets often borrow lines from other writers and mix them in with their own, a true cento is composed entirely of lines from other sources. ...