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censures 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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censured, past participle; censures, 3rd person singular present; censuring, present participle; censured, past tense;
  1. Express severe disapproval of (someone or something), typically in a formal statement
    • - a judge was censured in 1983 for a variety of types of injudicious conduct
  1. The expression of formal disapproval
    • - angry delegates offered a resolution of censure against the offenders
    • - they paid the price in social ostracism and family censure

  1. (censure) harsh criticism or disapproval
  2. (censure) reprimand: rebuke formally
  3. (censure) excommunication: the state of being excommunicated
  4. Censure is a process by which a formal reprimand is issued to an individual by an authoritative body. In a deliberative assembly, a motion to censure is used.
  5. (censure) (v) to criticize harshly
  6. (censure) to find fault with; condemn
  7. (Censure) A formal, public reprimand for an infraction or violation.
  8. (Censure) An act by a legislative body to officially reprimand a member. The act of censuring is an official condemnation for actions committed by a public official while holding a public trust.
  9. (Censure) An official reprimand or condemnation of an attorney. (See disbarment or suspension.)
  10. (Censure) Another name for a medicinal penalty, or a penalty intended to help the offender repent and return to the heart of the Church. The Code of Canon Law presently contains three censures: suspension, interdict, and excommunication.
  11. (Censure) The art of hoying one doon during a Sports & Social meeting.
  12. (Censure) The process of public denunciation and reproof of an offender’s criminal behaviour.
  13. (Censure) is rebuke, harsh criticism: Morty Skustin was severely censured for putting the frog in the water cooler.
  14. (censure) (v) - to rebuke officially