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celibacy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The state of abstaining from marriage and sexual relations,
  1. The state of abstaining from marriage and sexual relations
    • - his brother's priestly vow of celibacy

  1. an unmarried status
  2. chastity: abstaining from sexual relations (as because of religious vows)
  3. (celibate) abstaining from sexual intercourse; "celibate priests"
  4. (celibate) an unmarried person who has taken a religious vow of chastity
  5. Celibacy is defined as the lifestyle of someone who is voluntarily abstaining from all sexual activities, remaining without any sexual or romantic partner, and unmarried, all of his or her life. ...
  6. (Celibate) A person who voluntarily abstains from sexual relations.
  7. (Celibate) Abstaining from sex/marriage. God may call some people to such a life (1 Co 7: 20, 32) so that they may be able to spend most of their time, energy and resources for the kingdom of God. ...
  8. (Celibate) Describes an individual who abstains from sex, possibly for religious or spiritual purposes.
  9. (Celibate) In many Christian sects the priest or bishop is not allowed to be married or have sex.
  10. (celibate) it occurs to me that all nuns look alike peering puffy faced from binding habits & oldfashioned thick glasses perched rimless on the same bulbous noses w/ lips rosy from the lack of cosmetics or kissing is it loving that leaves a woman distinct
  11. (celibate) someone who doesn't participate in kemmer (i.e. Ashe Foreth); a job as a Foreteller—wears a gold chain
  12. The unmarried state of life. Unlike the Roman Church, Orthodoxy permits a clergyman to be married; however, his marriage must occur before the ordination to a deacon or presbyter. ...
  13. Refers to a decision to live chastely in the unmarried state. At ordination, a diocesan priest or unmarried deacon in the Latin rite Catholic Church makes a promise of celibacy. The promise should not be called a "vow." Adj. celibate. See chastity.
  14. refers to an individual having decided to refrain from sexual activity, usually as part of an ascetic discipline. ...
  15. (Arabic `Uzubah), although not absolutely condemned by Muhammad, is held to be a lower form of life to that of marriage. It is related that `Usman ibn Maz`un wished to lead a celebate life and the Prophet forbade him, for, said he, "When a Muslim marries he perfects his religion. ...
  16. The BKs view of sex is very negative – they consider it as the greatest sin because they believe it destroys ones’ spirituality and subtle relationship with God. They say this happens because it makes you a slave to the senses and relationships impure and complicated. ...
  17. choosing to remain single and not have sexual relationships
  18. The state of life one assumes as a religious (or priest) in which he/she promises to refrain from marriage and any sexual relations in order to be consecrated to the service of God and of the Church.
  19. Cher used this word once and it made us all feel uncomfortable.
  20. or sexual abstention - properly utilized and guided - is an important aspect of spiritual life. A single person can develop a great deal of self-knowledge, as Paramahansa Yogananda did. ...
  21. intention/vow to devote one’s life primarily to the Ultimate Truth
  22. Takes place when the Holy Spirit empowers a person to abstain from sexuality for the sake of being more effective in ministry, just like Christ. (Mt. 19:11-12; 1 Corinthians 7:7-9)
  23. The state or condition of those who have chosen to remain unmarried for the sake of the kingdom of heaven in order to give themselves entirely to God and to the service of his people. In the latin Church, celibacy is obligatory for bishops and priests. ...
  24. The state of being unmarried; required of western clergy in the major orders (bishop, priest, deacon, subdeacon) since the twelfth century.
  25. Complete sexual abstinence. Also the state of a person who has vows to remain unmarried.