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celandine 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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celandines, plural;
  1. A common plant of the buttercup family that produces yellow flowers in the early spring, reproducing either by seed or by bulbils at the base of the stems

  1. jewelweed: North American annual plant with usually yellow or orange flowers; grows chiefly on wet rather acid soil
  2. perennial herb with branched woody stock and bright yellow flowers
  3. Celandine' is set seventy years before The Various, the second book in the trilogy follows the adventures of young Celandine at the onset of World War I. Having run away from her detested boarding school, Celandine is too afraid to go home in case she is sent back. ...
  4. Extract from the plant Chelidonium majus that has some research showing it has antiviral properties. There is no research showing it has benefit when applied topically.
  5. Herb (chelidonium majus) useful in the prevention of gall stone formation and for insufficient bile with clay colored or gray stools and stagnant livers with flank pain.