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castigate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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castigated, past participle; castigated, past tense; castigating, present participle; castigates, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Reprimand (someone) severely
    • - he was castigated for not setting a good example

  1. chastise: censure severely; "She chastised him for his insensitive remarks"
  2. inflict severe punishment on
  3. (castigation) a severe scolding
  4. Les Châtiments ("Castigations") is a collection of poems by Victor Hugo that fiercely attack the grandeur of Napoléon III's Second Empire.
  5. To punish severely; to criticize severely; to reprimand severely; To revise or make corrections to a publication
  6. (castigation) Corrective punishment; chastisement; reproof; pungent criticism; Emendation; correction
  7. (Castigated) In this instance, Joe uses it to mean: to criticize severely. Example: The ex-champ Niida, who returned to the ring warfare after a 23-month layoff since his severely castigated relinquishment, made a good start as he connected with his trade-mark left hooks and solid rights to the ...
  8. (castigation) cas·ti·gate (kŕsątî-gât´) verb, transitive cas·ti·gat·ed, cas·ti·gat·ing, cas·ti·gates 1. To inflict severe punishment on. 2. To criticize severely. [Latin castěgâre, castěgât-, from castus, pure.] . cas´ti·gaątion noun. casąti·ga´tor noun
  9. to correct with punishment