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cask 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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casks, plural;
  1. A large barrellike container made of wood, metal, or plastic, used for storing liquids, typically alcoholic drinks

  2. The quantity of liquid held in such a container
    • - a cask of cider

  1. the quantity a cask will hold
  2. barrel: a cylindrical container that holds liquids
  3. A barrel or cask is a hollow cylindrical container, traditionally made of vertical wooden staves and bound by wooden or metal hoops. Traditionally, the barrel was a standard size of measure referring to a set capacity or weight of a given commodity. ...
  4. Peripheral plasma membrane protein CASK is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CASK gene. This gene is also known by several other names: CMG 2 (CAMGUK protein 2), calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase 3 and membrane-associated guanylate kinase 2.
  5. A large barrel for the storage of liquid, especially of alcoholic drinks
  6. (Casks) Generally two types of cask are used - European Oak Casks and American Oak Casks - they have a direct impact on the flavour of the final product. ...
  7. A thick-walled container (usually lead) used to transport radioactive material. Also called a coffin.
  8. To see one filled, denotes prosperous times and feastings. If empty, your life will be void of any joy or consolation from outward influences.
  9. A closed, barrel-shaped vessel used for fermenting and serving beer. They used to be made of wood, but now most are made of stainless steel or aluminum. They are used for cask-conditioned ales, which need to be vented intermittently while they naturally carbonate.
  10. A heavily shielded container used for the dry storage or shipment (or both) of radioactive materials such as spent nuclear fuel or other high-level radioactive waste. Casks are often made from lead, concrete, or steel. ...
  11. standard shipping container certified by the NRC to transport Class B, solid, low-level radioactive waste.
  12. general term for draught beer containers, whatever the size, but of a barrel shape. Originally wood, now almost always made of metal.
  13. A container for shipping or storing radioactive material of greater than A1 or A2 [see A1 and A2 definitions] quantities. (Transportation System Requirements Document. DOE/RW-0425.)
  14. (of wine). Boxed wine ready to drink from a spigot.
  15. A general term for a container made of wooden staves bound by iron or wood hoops. The specific names for casks denote different capacities, for example a "barrel" holds approximately 200 litres.
  16. A barrel-shaped container for holding beer. Originally made of iron-hooped wooden staves, now most widely available in stainless steel and aluminum.
  17. The barrel in which the whisky was aged, usually made of oak. This is the source of much of the distinctive woody flavor of whisky.
  18. A 228-litre cask is the round Burgundian container; the 225-litre cask is the Bordelais version, with a longer shape. Any new cask is this small size.
  19. A synonym for a wine barrel or large fermentation vessel made from oak. Also refers to the ‘bag in the box’ style of packaging.
  20. Wooden Barrel into which whiskey is stored in order to mature
  21. a vessel shaped like a barrel, constructed of staves, headings and hoops and was used to transport liquids. Also known as a hogshead, roughly the equivalent of sixty-three gallons, e.g. ...
  22. Since 1916, all Scotch whisky must be aged in an oak cask for at least 3 years. The oak can be American, French or Spanish in origin and the cask might be new or might have been used to hold almost anything before. Some, such as those in which Sherry had been shipped to the U.K. ...
  23. The container used to store distilled whiskey, traditionally a barrel.
  24. The term usually used for the container in which beer continues to ferment until served.
  25. Wine which comes in a box, contained inside a bladder and has a pouring spout.