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carve 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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carved, past participle; carving, present participle; carves, 3rd person singular present; carved, past tense;
  1. Cut (a hard material) in order to produce an aesthetically pleasing object or design
    • - the wood was carved with runes
    • - bookcases of carved oak
  2. Produce (an object) by cutting and shaping a hard material
    • - the altar was carved from a block of solid jade
  3. Produce (an inscription or design) by cutting into hard material
    • - an inscription was carved over the doorway
    • - the river carved a series of gorges into the plain
  4. Cut (cooked meat) into slices for eating

  5. Cut (a slice of meat) from a larger piece

  6. Make (a turn) by tilting one's skis on to their edges and using one's weight to bend them so that they slide into an arc

  1. form by carving; "Carve a flower from the ice"
  2. engrave or cut by chipping away at a surface; "carve one's name into the bark"
  3. cut to pieces; "Father carved the ham"
  4. (carved) made for or formed by carving (`carven' is archaic or literary); "the carved fretwork"; "an intricately carved door"; "stood as if carven from stone"
  5. (carving) a sculpture created by removing material (as wood or ivory or stone) in order to create a desired shape
  6. (carving) sculpture: creating figures or designs in three dimensions
  7. Carve is a Racing game developed by Argonaut Games and published by Global Star Software released exclusively for the Xbox.
  8. (Carved (film)) Carved (also known as Slit-Mouthed Woman) with the Japanese title Kuchisake-Onna, is a J-Horror movie released on August 14, 2007. ...
  9. Carves is a commune in the Dordogne department in Aquitaine in south-western France.
  10. To cut; To cut meat in order to serve it; To shape to sculptural effect; : To perform a series of turns without pivoting. When the tip and tail of the snowboard take the same path; To produce something using skill
  11. (carved) Of an object, made by carving
  12. (carving) A carved object; Executing turns without pivoting
  13. (Carved [Finish]) A Carved Finish is sculpted or shaped by hand. See Freehand definition for Carved Pipe.
  14. (carving) A subtractive process in which a sculpture is formed by removing material from a block or mass of wood, stone, or other material, using sharpened tools.
  15. (Carving) The removal of glass from the surface of an object by means of hand-held tools.
  16. (carving) shaping wood, stone, or marble by scraping, cutting, and chipping.
  17. (Carving) Removing excess molten glass off of the working piece.
  18. (Carving) Definition: The technique of cutting and eliminating the surface of a block of material to shape it into a particular form. The materials appropriate for carving include clay, marble, wood, sandstone, soap, and wax.
  19. (Carving) A series of clean turns using the edges of skis or a snowboard. Carving turns can vary from tight turns to giant “S” shaped swoops.
  20. (Carving) A subtractive method of sculpture which consists of removing wood or stone from a single block.
  21. (Carving) Decoration achieved by cutting into the surface of an object.
  22. or canyon carving – means riding at speed through corners and curves, leaning until the bike is close to horizontal.
  23. (Carving) Turning with the dug-in edge of a ski or snowboard, producing a crisp, clean arc without significant skidding or side-slipping.
  24. (CARVING (Slicer)) Used to carve your turkey, roast or ham. Ham slicers have a long thin blade and rounded tip for safety. The rounded tip also gives a very straight cutting edge to maximize contact with the food. ...
  25. (Carving) A surfing maneuver in which the surfer creates big cut backs (turns) like he is slicing up the wave.