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carpetbag 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A traveling bag of a kind originally made of carpeting or carpetlike material,
  1. Act as a carpetbagger
    • - rich, carpetbagging developers
  1. A traveling bag of a kind originally made of carpeting or carpetlike material

  1. following the practices or characteristic of carpetbaggers; "carpetbag adventurers"; "a carpetbag government"
  2. traveling bag made of carpet; widely used in 19th century
  3. (Carpetbagging) In United States history, "carpetbaggers" was a negative term Southerners gave to Northerners (also referred to as Yankees) who moved to the South during the Reconstruction era, between 1865 and 1877. ...
  4. A traveling bag made from carpet scraps used primarily in the United States in the 19^th century; To come to a place or organisation with which one has no previous connection with the sole or primary aim of personal gain, especially political or financial gain; having the characteristics of ...