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carp 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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carp, plural;
  1. Complain or find fault continually, typically about trivial matters
    • - I don't want to carp about the way you did it
    • - he was constantly carping at me
  1. A deep-bodied freshwater fish, typically with barbels around the mouth. Carp are farmed for food in some parts of the world and are widely kept in large ponds

  1. cavil: raise trivial objections
  2. the lean flesh of a fish that is often farmed; can be baked or braised
  3. any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae
  4. CARP (originally the Canadian Association of Retired Persons, now billed as Canada's Association for the Fifty-Plus) is a Canadian organization advocating for the rights of those fifty years of age or older.
  5. K-239 Carp (Карп) was a Russian Sierra class submarine. She was launched in 1983 and laid up in 1997.
  6. The Carp is a one-act comic opera (styled "a whimsicality") with a libretto by Frank Desprez and music by Alfred Cellier. It was first produced at the Savoy Theatre from 13 February 1886 to 19 January 1887, as a companion piece to The Mikado. ...
  7. (The carps) The Carps are a Canadian rock music duo consisting of bassist Neil White and drummer Jahmal Tonge. They are signed to Toronto-based URBNET Records.
  8. (Carps) dice term for 2, 3, or 12.
  9. A member of the minnow family, introduced to the United States in the late 1800s. Typically refers to common carp originally from Europe and not grass carp (amur), which are from Asia.
  10. (Cypriniformes). The largest species today is probably the giant barb (Catlocarpio siamensis), which reaches a size of as much as 3 m (10 ft) and a weight of as much as 300 kg (660 lb). ...
  11. This freshwater fish ranges from 2 to 7 pounds and has a lean white flesh. It is the primary ingredient for the Jewish dish called "gefilte fish."
  12. ISA Server 2006 Enterprise Edition only. Specifies whether Cache Array Routing Protocol (CARP) is enabled on the network. When you enable CARP, the cache drives on all array servers are treated as a single logical cache drive so that caching is efficiently distributed among the member servers. ...
  13. Term for anchovies. Also called guppies, chovies, flippers, penguin food, smellies.
  14. (n.): a freshwater fish. See some pictures of carp.
  15. Ontario. One of my first instructions from a Valley employee at the Experimental Farm was "I'l tak youse bais down to the end of the feeld and serarate youse farty feet apart". (J. Wilson)
  16. Carp (Cyprinus carpio) are the largest members of the minnow family and can easily reach a weight of ten kilograms or more. Although greatly underutilized in North America, the common carp has always been a widely popular freshwater food fish in the rest of the world. ...
  17. b*tch, nag without stop until stopped with a sharp word, or a sharp rap, depending on whether you are a
  18. A failed roll in which the boater manages to get his lips above water to take a hasty breath.
  19. synonym for crap. “Oh, carp.”
  20. computed air release point
  21. To complain constantly
  22. A CICS-private transaction (Asynchronous Request Purger) that deletes local queues when they have been unable to be sent to the target system for longer than a configurable time.