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carom 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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caroms, plural;
  1. Make a carom; strike and rebound

  1. Any of the billiard games played on a table without pockets

  1. rebound after hitting; "The car caromed off several lampposts"
  2. ricochet: a glancing rebound
  3. a shot in billiards in which the cue ball contacts one object ball and then the other
  4. make a carom
  5. A shot in which the ball struck with the cue comes in contact with two or more balls on the table; a hitting of two or more balls with the player's ball; in England it is called cannon; An Indian game played on a board measuring one meter by one meter square. ...
  6. a rebound of the puck off the boards or any other object.
  7. term used in conjunction with a DRADIS contact read; analogous to the term "mark".
  8. A term describing the glancing of one ball off another.
  9. A type of combination shot where the shooting disk hits one disk then bounces over and hits one or more other disks, usually with the intention of driving them all off the board.
  10. A thrown ball that hits the side wall, the front wall, the court, then goes into the screen.
  11. The angle above or below the XY plane of a vessel, perpendicular to bearing (c.f. "Mark" (Star Trek))
  12. n. a shot when one ball strikes others synergetics