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carnet 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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carnets, plural;
  1. A permit, in particular

  2. A permit allowing use of certain campsites while traveling abroad

  3. A customs permit allowing a motor vehicle to be taken across an international border for a limited period

  4. A book of tickets for use on public transport in some countries

  1. CARNet (Croatian Academic and Research Network, Hrvatska akademska i istraživačka mreža) is the national research and education network of Croatia. It is funded from the government budget and it operates from offices in Zagreb and five other cities.
  2. A customs document that allows the temporary duty-free importation of a particular article; A collection of travel tickets in the form of a booklet that is sold at a discount
  3. A customs document permitting the holder to carry or send merchandise temporarily into certain foreign countries (for display, demonstration, or similar purposes) without paying duties or posting bonds.
  4. Customs document allowing the temporary importation of goods without duty, conditional on the goods being re-exported in the same state as when they entered the country. ...
  5. A customs document allowing special categories of goods to cross international borders without payment of duties.
  6. Internationally recognized document issued by a Chamber of Commerce to allow multiple import/export of goods  through multiple countries