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carminative 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(chiefly of a drug) Relieving flatulence,
  1. (chiefly of a drug) Relieving flatulence

  1. A drug of this kind

  1. medication that prevents the formation of gas in the alimentary tract or eases its passing
  2. relieving gas in the alimentary tract (colic or flatulence or griping)
  3. A carminative, also known as carminativum (plural carminativa), is an herb or preparation that either prevents formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract or facilitates the expulsion of said gas, thereby combating flatulence. ...
  4. A drug or substance that induces the removal of gas from the digestive tract; Relieving discomfort of gas in the digestive tract
  5. (Carminatives) Herbs and spices that warm the body, promote digestion and traditionally have been used as an intestinal tonic.
  6. Promotes digestion, expels gas, and relieves gripping: anise, fennel, chamomile, peppermint, caraway, ginger.
  7. causing the release of stomach or intestinal gas
  8. (action) improves digestion and relieves flatus and colic.
  9. Promotes digestion and peristalsis; assists in expulsion of intestinal gas.
  10. Herb that normalize digestive system peristalsis to relieve flatulence (gas).
  11. Herb that helps to prevent gas from forming in the intestines, and also assists in expelling it. Also increases absorption of nutrients, dispels water, mucus, promotes normal peristalsis; relieves spasms and pain; improves weak digestion from anxiety, nervousness, or depression. ...
  12. herbs reduce inflammation of the gut, decrease pain and assist in removal of gas from gastrointestinal tract.
  13. the volatile oils in these plants aid in the stimulation of peristalsis of the digestive system and relaxation of the stomach. They support digestion and help prevent gas.
  14. eases griping pains, expels flatulence
  15. An agent that induces the expulsion of gas from the digestive system.
  16. A Substance that eases abdominal discomfort and bloating , and encourages the release of excess wind from the bowels.
  17. Relieves intestinal gas, pain and distension, promotes peristalsis. Ayurveda herbs: Aamalaki, haritaki, hingvastak, trikatu, triphala. Substances one may use are: Baking soda, hing, triphala, and ajwain.
  18. A substance which causes intestinal gas to be expelled.
  19. an agent that promotes the passage of flatus from the colon
  20. A substance or preparation that relieves digestive gas.
  21. Carminatives are rich in volatile oils and expel gas from the stomach and bowels. Angelica, Celery, Chamomile, Cloves, Fennel, Ginger, Hops, Prickly Ash, Sheep Sorrel, Valerian, Wormwood.
  22. a substance that stops the formation of intestinal gas and helps expel gas that has already formed.
  23. Expels gas from the stomach, intestines, and bowels.
  24. reduces intestinal spasms
  25. Dispels or prevents gas