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carious 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of bones or teeth) Decayed,
  1. (of bones or teeth) Decayed

  1. (of teeth) affected with cavities or decay
  2. (caries) cavity: soft decayed area in a tooth; progressive decay can lead to the death of a tooth
  3. Caries is a progressive destruction of any kind of bone structure, including the skull, ribs and other bones, or the teeth. Caries can be caused by osteomyelitis, which is a microorganism disease. ...
  4. (caries) The progressive destruction of bone or tooth by decay
  5. (Caries) The correct technical term for decay which is the progressive breaking down or dissolving of tooth structure, caused by the acid produced when bacteria digest sugars.
  6. (Caries) the gradual collapse of a tooth. Also known as "tooth decay", caries is primarily caused by buildup of acid-producing carbohydrates such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose on the teeth.
  7. (Caries) tooth decay caused by acid-producing bacteria in the mouth that weaken and break down the hard enamel shell.
  8. (Caries) Tooth decay or "cavities"
  9. (caries) cavities in the teeth
  10. (caries) tooth decay. The condition of the teeth of a skeleton is often an important clue to the diet and health of the individual.
  11. (caries) decay and crumbling of the substance of a tooth (see dental caries) or a bone
  12. (CARIES) Another word for the disease process which causes cavities. Difficult areas to clean are susceptible to caries. That is why a healthy diet, and a regular and thorough regimen of oral hygiene are important to prevent caries.
  13. (Caries (dental) (Tom Swifty)) "I like this drill," said Tom as he carie'd out the dental work.
  14. (Caries) Also known as decay - Acid is introduced into your mouth as bacteria processes, or eats, sugars found on your teeth. The acid sits on your teeth and eats away the structure.
  15. (Caries) Commonly known as a "cavity." Microbial destruction or necrosis of teeth. Synonymous to decay.
  16. (Caries) Disease of the calcified tissues of the teeth. The inorganic portion is demineralized and the organic tissues are destroyed.
  17. (Caries) Irreversible acidic erosion of the tooth's hard tissue (enamel, dentin) by bacterial toxins, creating an opening in the tooth and allowing bacteria to infect the pulp. (aka: Cavity or Decay)
  18. (Caries) This is another term that the dentists use to describe cavities.
  19. (Caries) refer to the molecular decay of teeth or bones. It is often used as the term that describes the condition preceding dental cavities.
  20. (Caries) the disease of hard dental tissues, occurring under the obligatory presence of microorganisms, results in the formation of its functional and aesthetic defects.
  21. (caries (dental caries)) The bacterial disease known as tooth decay or cavities that causes demineralization of teeth through frequent exposure to sugars and starches.