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caricatures 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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caricatures, plural;
  1. Make or give a comically or grotesquely exaggerated representation of (someone or something)
    • - he was caricatured on the cover of TV Guide
    • - a play that caricatures the legal profession
  1. A picture, description, or imitation of a person or thing in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect

  2. The art or style of such exaggerated representation
    • - there are elements of caricature in the portrayal of the hero
  3. A ludicrous or grotesque version of someone or something
    • - he looked like a caricature of his normal self

  1. (caricature) represent in or produce a caricature of; "The drawing caricatured the President"
  2. (caricature) a representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect
  3. (caricaturist) someone who parodies in an exaggerated manner
  4. Caricatures is an album by American trumpeter Donald Byrd recorded and released on the Blue Note label in 1976. accessed September 6, 2010 It was Byrd's final album for the label.
  5. Caricatures is the first album by the French progressive rock band Ange, released in 1972.
  6. A caricature can refer to a portrait that exaggerates or distorts the essence of a person or thing to create an easily identifiable visual likeness. In literature, a caricature is a description of a person using exaggeration of some characteristics and oversimplification of others.
  7. (Caricature (Daniel Clowes collection)) Caricature is a book collection of nine comic short stories by Daniel Clowes. In contrast to earlier Clowes collections such as Lout Rampage! ...
  8. (Caricature) character where one main aspect is exaggerated.
  9. (caricature) a picture, description, etc., ludicrously exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of persons or things: His caricature of the mayor in this morning's paper is the best he's ever drawn; the art or process of producing such pictures, descriptions, etc. ...
  10. (Caricature) Drawing that exaggerates prominent features or characteristics of the subject.
  11. (Caricature) Pictorial ridicule or satire, effected by distortion of personal physical characteristics or through exaggerated depiction of the foibles and vices of individuals.
  12. (caricature) a character whose personality is described in terms of a very small number of features, often grossly exaggerated.
  13. (CARICATURE) A grotesque likeness of striking qualities in persons and things.
  14. (Caricature) A distorted representation to produce a ridiculous effect.
  15. (Caricature) Rupert enjoys drawing and painting, with his specialty being caricatures. He drew one of Alan Rickman while filming the first Harry Potter, which Alan kept.
  16. (Caricature) The exaggeration or distortion of one or more personality traits, a technique common in cartooning.
  17. (Caricature) is a picture trying to imitate something or a person’s behavior by stressing certain features of the person to amuse people.
  18. (caricature) An exaggerated version of something, done in a funny way. Good caricatures usually pick one feature that really stands out, and then make it bigger. Be careful, though! You could do a good caricature of someone with big ears, or a big nose, but they might not like it. ...