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caregiver 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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caregivers, plural;
  1. A family member or paid helper who regularly looks after a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person

  1. health professional: a person who helps in identifying or preventing or treating illness or disability
  2. a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult
  3. Carer (UK, NZ, Australian usage) and caregiver (US, Canadian usage) are words normally used to refer to unpaid relatives or friends who support people with disabilities. The words may be prefixed with "family" "spousal", "child" to distinguish between different care situations. ...
  4. The Caregiver is a fictional character appearing in the Marvel Comics universe. She is one of the Elders of the Universe. Like all Elders, she is devoted to a single pursuit, which in her case is nurturing beings that she defines as "cosmologically significant".
  5. Caregiver is a 2008 Filipino medical-drama film. The film stars Filipina actress Sharon Cuneta portraying the role of Sarah, a mother who left her son in the Philippines and also a teacher who relinquished her profession in lieu of care giving in London, in hopes of augmenting her salary. ...
  6. (Caregivers) Family members, friends or paid staff who provide care to a person who is ill.
  7. (Caregivers) All persons who are not employees of an organization, are not paid, and provide or assist in providing healthcare to a patient (e.g., family member, friend) and acquire technical training as needed based on the tasks that must be performed.
  8. (CAREGIVERS) provides in-home services to enable families and adults with social, emotional and health problems to live in an environment that enhances appropriate independence and develops their potential for personal development. (313) 964-5070
  9. (Caregivers) The people (usually family members) primarily responsible for caring for a person with a chronic disease, such as Alzheimer's disease.
  10. (Caregivers) provide in-home care for seniors who are not capable of independent living but who want to remain in their own homes. A caregiver is generally not a skilled medical professional, but may have specialized certifications or training.
  11. (Caregiving) Nursing Homes, Alzheimer's Disease, At-Home Care, Caregivers, Caring For Parents, Assisted LivingMore...
  12. (Caregiving) Performing a continuum of tasks to assist in ADLs and other services such as housekeeping, shopping, transportation, financial monitoring or total care of an impaired person.
  13. An adult (typically a family member or friend) who provides unpaid assistance to another adult who can no longer independently attend to his or her personal needs and/or perform his or her normal activities of daily living.
  14. Any person who cares for an individual needing help taking care of himself, in ways that range from meeting the basic needs of everyday life to offering medical, nursing, or hospice care. ...
  15. Friends and/or family members providing care to a loved one or senior.
  16. A person who has special training to help people with mental health problems. Examples include social workers, teachers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and mentors.
  17. someone who provides assistance, generally in the home environment, to an aging parent, spouse, other relative, or unrelated person, or to an ill or disabled person of any age. A caregiver can be a family member, friend, volunteer, or paid professional.
  18. Someone who takes care of another person.
  19. the person, usually a family member or friend, who is responsible for the physical, psychological, emotional and social needs of an elder. ...
  20. adult, other than the parent, responsible for the infant or child
  21. a person who looks after and helps treat a patient with cancer, such as a healthcare provider, family member, or friend
  22. A person who has agreed to undertake responsibility for managing the health and well-being of a person. In some states, a patient's Primary Caregiver is afforded the same protections from arrest and sanctions as the medical marijuana patient they care for.
  23. A person responsible for the care and supervision of the alleged child victim.
  24. An individual who helps a person with his or her activities of daily living. Caregivers can be professional staff, family members, or both.
  25. persons, often relatives who provide assistance (in activities and interaction within the environment) to those who are dependent on others for such assistance.