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carded 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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carded, past participle; carded, past tense; cards, 3rd person singular present; carding, present participle;
  1. Comb and clean (raw wool, hemp fibers, or similar material) with a sharp-toothed instrument in order to disentangle the fibers before spinning

  1. Carding is a mechanical process that breaks up locks and unorganized clumps of fibre and then aligns the individual fibres so that they are more or less parallel with each other. ...
  2. (Carding (torture)) Carding is a sometimes-fatal form of torture in which iron combs of the sort originally designed as woolcarding tools are used to scrape, tear, and flay the victim's flesh."Card". Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. 2nd edition. 1989.
  3. (Carding) The industrial yarn preparation process where raw cotton is separated, opened, cleaned and made into sliver.
  4. (Carding) A process which eliminates fibers too short for inclusion in the spun yarn. The process also removes dirt and foreign matter still remaining in the fiber mass, and arranges the fibers into a very thin layer.
  5. (Carding) Process of arranging and smoothing wool fibers by pulling them between two spiked paddles.
  6. (Carding) Method of cleaning fibers by separating them and laying them parallel
  7. (Carding) The process of preparing wool for spinning.
  8. (carding) To comb fibers prior to spinning with brushes having wire bristles.  Woolens are wool yarns that are carded.
  9. (CARDING) The final cleaning process, accomplished by either hand or machine, through which alpaca fiber goes before spinning.
  10. (Carding) (slang) Obtaining or using illegally obtained credit cards.
  11. (Carding) A fiber cleaning process that eliminates short fibers and removes dirt and foreign matter. Carding can be done by hand or by large machines using drum rollers. Carded-only cotton is not as desirable as combed cotton.
  12. (Carding) A process that transforms entangled fiber mats into parallel strands.
  13. (Carding) A process used in the manufacture of staple yarn, which separates, cleans, aligns and delivers the fibers in a sliver form. The machine consists of a series of rollers, the surfaces of which are covered with many projecting wires or metal teeth.
  14. (Carding) A technique used when processing fibres. The fibres are untangled, mixed and cleaned by passing them through moving pins, wires or teeth.
  15. (Carding) A term which covers the various activities involved in the cracking, reverse engineering and/or reading of credit card magnetic strips or smartcard chips for example.
  16. (Carding) Breaking up a compact fibre mass to five it less density and make it more even. Carried out using carders.
  17. (Carding) Combing process of raw fibres to clean and sort, creates thin layer of fibre prior to spinning
  18. (Carding) Manufacturing term for machine blending and mixing of wool stocks to prepare for spinning, Remove impurities, separates fibers into continuous untwisted strands.
  19. (Carding) Preparing fiber by using carders. This is how batts and rolags come into existence. Carders are large pads with handles that have metal teeth on them, and they look like this. Yes, I have hurt myself on them. There are also drum carders, which do exactly the same thing as hand carders.
  20. (Carding) Process for preparing wool for spinning, in which two wooden paddles with metal teeth entangle the fibers so that they lie in different directions, yielding soft, fuzzy wool.
  21. (Carding) Process of combing wool either manually or mechanically.
  22. (Carding) Refers to the practice of stealing credit card numbers online, to be resold or used to charge merchandise against victims' accounts.
  23. (Carding) The manufacturing process of drawing out and arranging the cotton fibers in a parallel fashion while removing impurities in the fibers. Carding is less expensive and less labor intensive than combing cotton, but results in a slightly coarser texture.
  24. (Carding) The process of opening, disentangling, cleaning and then separating fibers to produce a continuous strand which is then spun into a yarn. Performed on a machine called a card.
  25. (Carding) The step after blending in the staple spinning process which combs out the loose fibers and arranges them in orderly strands called sliver. Sliver is drawn and blended, then twisted and further drawn into yarns.