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carcinogenesis 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The initiation of cancer formation,
  1. The initiation of cancer formation

  1. (carcinogenic) causing or tending to cause cancer; "the carcinogenic action of certain chemicals"
  2. Carcinogenesis or oncogenesis is literally the creation of cancer. It is a process by which normal cells are transformed into cancer cells.
  3. Carcinogenesis is a peer-reviewed scientific journal in the field of cancer biology. Founded in 1980, the journal is currently published monthly by Oxford University Press based in Oxford, UK. ...
  4. (Carcinogenic) A carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide or radiation, that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer. This may be due to the ability to damage the genome or to the disruption of cellular metabolic processes. ...
  5. (carcinogenic) A substance that causes cancer
  6. (Carcinogenic) A risk of causing cancer posed by an agent external to the reproducing organism.
  7. (Carcinogenic) Tending to produce or incite cancer in living organisms.
  8. (carcinogenic) Any cause that may lead to a malignant neoformation, which is capable of proliferating indefinitely and of attacking the invaded tissues.
  9. The generation of cancer from normal cells, correctly the formation of a carcinoma from epithelial cells, but often used synonymously with transformation, tumorigenesis.
  10. The origin or production of a benign or malignant tumor. The carcinogenic event modifies the genome and/or other molecular control mechanisms of the target cells, giving rise to a population of altered cells.
  11. Development of carcinoma; or, in more recent usage, producing any kind of malignancy.
  12. a multistep process which results in a malignant cell. Several specific heritable changes are necessary to achieve this. These include genetic instability, cell proliferation, cell differentiation, cell-to-cell and cell-to-substrate adhesion, angiogenesis and possibly other occurances as well.
  13. The origin and growth of cancer.
  14. Condition of producing cancer.
  15. The development of cancer
  16. The production of cancer