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caramelize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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caramelised, past tense; caramelizing, present participle; caramelised, past participle; caramelized, past participle; caramelising, present participle; caramelized, past tense; caramelizes, 3rd person singular present; caramelises, 3rd person singular present;
  1. (of sugar or syrup) Be converted into caramel

  2. Cook (food) with sugar so that it becomes coated with caramel

  1. be converted into caramel; "The sugar caramelized"
  2. Caramelization (caramelisation) is the oxidation of sugar, a process used extensively in cooking for the resulting nutty flavor and brown color. As the process occurs, chemicals are released, producing the characteristic caramel flavor.
  3. (caramelization) The process that converts sugars into caramel; the process of caramelizing; The browning of sugars by heat
  4. (CARAMELIZED) Burnt like flavor, like caramelized sugar, not an undesirable taste if complemented with flavor.
  5. (Caramelized) The taste and/or odor of caramel, achieved by heating a sweet wine. In non-grape wines, this characteristic can be achieved by cooking the fruit to extract the juice, set the color or extract polyphenolic compounds from the skins. ...
  6. (caramelized) Corresponds to the taste acquired by roasted beans that have been dipped in sugar, dextrin syrup, or molasses before roasting. Also perceived in spray-dried instant coffees.
  7. (caramelized) To cook food until the sugar, naturally occurring or added, darkens to an amber “caramel” color. Caramelizing brings out the food’s deep, sweet, rich flavors.
  8. (Caramelization) An action during coffee roasting that occurs when simple sugars in the bean are heated, resulting in a caramel color and flavor.
  9. (Caramelization) Browning sugar over a flame, with or without the addition of some water to aid the process. The temperature range in which sugar caramelizes is approximately 320º F to 360º F (160º C to 182º C).
  10. (Caramelization) Browning of sugars caused by oxidation. Creates rich flavors. Barbecue sauces usually develop interesting new flavors when caramelized.
  11. (Caramelizing) Browning sugar on slow heat till it reaches an amber color.
  12. (Caramelizing) Occurs in Maple that has been heated to a high temperature, causing its sugars to turn a brownish color.
  13. To heat sugar in order to turn it brown and give it a special taste.
  14. The process through which natural sugars in foods become browned and flavorful while cooking. This is usually done over a constant heat of low to medium-low. Caramelization can be quickened with the addition of a little sugar. Either way, be careful not to burn.
  15. The flavor of many foods, including vegetables, meats, and seafood, is often enhanced by a gentle browning that caramelizes natural sugars and other compounds and intensifies their flavor. ...
  16. To heat sugar until it liquefies and become a clear caramel syrup ranging in color from golden to dark brown. Fruits and vegetables with natural sugars can be caramelized by sauteeing, roasting or grilling, giving them a sweet flavor and golden glaze.
  17. To melt sugar slowly over low heat until it becomes brown in color.
  18. To cook until the sugar in the food has browned, as with onions or garlic. This process brings out the sweetness in the food and adds color.
  19. Heat a sugar substance until it begins to turn brown.
  20. To sprinkle food with a small amount of sugar and saute or grill until browned. To heat sugar until it forms a caramel.
  21. To cook food until the natural sugars cause the exterior to brown.
  22. To cook a sugar syrup until it reaches a deep amber color. This begins at around 295° F and is completed at 300° F to 310° F.
  23. To cook sugar slowly until it melts and turns deep brown. The term is also used when cooking other foods, like onions, when they are caramelized using their own sugar content or with added sugar. Caramelize onion slices for 45 minutes when making French Onion Soup.
  24. To cook food until it turns brown and has a somewhat sweet, toasted flavor. Caramelized sugar is cooked until it is at a temperature of 320 to 360 degrees, becoming a clear syrup that ranges in color from golden to dark brown.
  25. When the sugar in food is heated to temperatures of 300°F or higher then turns brown.