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carafe 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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carafes, plural;
  1. An open-topped glass flask typically used for serving wine or water

  1. a bottle with a stopper; for serving wine or water
  2. A decanter is a vessel that is used to hold the decantation of a liquid (such as wine) which may contain sediment. Decanters are normally used as serving vessels for wine. Decanters vary in shape and design. ...
  3. a glass or crystal vessel that holds an entire bottle of wine and is used to allow wine to breathe before serving and for pouring.
  4. Best known as an open top glass pot with a spout or lip used for serving hot and cold beverages.
  5. A glass container frequently used to serve house wine in restaurants.
  6. [kuh-RAF] A decorative beverage container, usually narrow-necked and fitted with a stopper. Carafes are generally made of glass and used for cold beverages.
  7. Generally found only on steam machines, a pot with pour spout that holds the espresso.
  8. A container for liquids, most often at the table, tapered in from the bottom then flaring at the top so the neck is a convenient grip for holding and pouring wine, vinegar, or water. Unlike a decanter, does not usually have matching stopper and a flare rather than a lip or rim to catch the hand. ...
  9. A container for beverages.
  10. Glass bottle for liquids.