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capuchin 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Capuchins, plural;
  1. A friar belonging to a branch of the Franciscan order that observes a strict rule drawn up in 1529

  2. A cloak and hood formerly worn by women

  3. A South American monkey with a cap of hair on the head that has the appearance of a cowl

  4. A pigeon of a breed with head and neck feathers resembling a cowl

  1. a hooded cloak for women
  2. monkey of Central America and South America having thick hair on the head that resembles a monk's cowl
  3. The capuchins (or) are New World monkeys of the genus Cebus. The range of capuchin monkeys includes Central America and South America as far south as northern Argentina. Cebus is the only genus in subfamily Cebinae.
  4. A member of an order of Roman Catholic friars
  5. (Capuchins) (in  Capuchin (Franciscan order))
  6. a pigeon of a breed with head and neck feathers resembling a cowl
  7. The being known under that name moves thruogh Kindred society like a ghost — which he actually might be. ...